Sunday, June 16, 2024

Around Here


I woke to a rumbling sky. While yesterday was a near perfect summer day, there are few things better than Sunday morning thunderstorms. Coffee is made. It just may be a two cup morning. I'm chilling with their father and later I will see mine. I'm back because yesterday I didn't intend to spill my guts. I'm okay with and owning it, but I missed all the good stuff that's going on right now.


Stuff like a long walk on an old path yesterday. I mentioned the quintessential summer would have been a sin to skip our miles. On the final turn, Lils surprised us. After her 30 mile bike ride, she changed her shoes and went out for a run. That's called a brick. Bricks are essential in her Ironman training. I need to gush about my girl for a minute. She is so strong and not just physically. I am in awe of her discipline and drive. She's definitely doing epic shit.

Stuff like last night's family night. Mike grilled beautiful rib eyes and I made a perfect potato rosti and a cheesy spinach pie. Lils had breakfast for dinner. She doesn't eat meat unless it's chicken. We grilled that too, but she had a craving for veggies and eggs and she asks for so little and appreciates so much. Short order cook is one of my super hero strengths. The kids cleaned up without being asked. We stayed around the table playing games.

I love having both my kids home. We're getting into a rhythm. They're busy, but we're still finding time to connect. This is Lily's first full-time job and it's sort of kicking her butt. Abby and Emma keep her busy all day long. They are sweet girls, but sparring sisters too and my girl is killing it with them. I think they are going to get along better by the end of the summer and they both want her to come back next year.

Ted is scheduled to take his first CPA exam next week. Prepping for this has been his almost full-time summer job and I'm impressed by his discipline too. He's having some fun and doing some good too. Lots of golf, Wednesday night beach volleyball, jaunts to Madison to see Meryl who is reporting stories like a pro, riding hills with Lils, helping Grandpa in his yard, giving Hazel and Gus lots of attention and treats.




Stuff like crisp, sweet grapes, salads for dinner, a new pair of walking shoes, orioles in the yard, healthy cats, clean sheets, country music, my husband watering all the flowers I plant, farm eggs, family and friends.


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