Monday, July 22, 2024


Last week was a bit of a blur. I was sucked in by the RNC, which was taking place in my own city. I stayed away because crowds and glued to the television because it was the first time I've felt hope in quite some time. The attempt on 45ths life was shocking and yet not unexpected. It was one of those moments that we'll talk about where we were when. I watched it live. We were an hour late to a neighbor's low country boil because I couldn't look away.

Oddly, the nation's evening's nadir did not come up as we gathered around the long table to break bread and crack claws and drink wine with friends new and old. I happen to know we were in the company of divergent beliefs, but it didn't put a damper on the lovely night because we are grown-ups. It's really quite a concept.

Sunday we headed to the lake because it was a perfect beach day and also one that called for getting off the grid. Lake Michigan cooperated. It was wavy and warm. Warm enough to get in and go under. To stay in. We spent the night on a whim and it was a good choice. I miss the lake house, but the tree house has a delightful deck that juts out into the pines and makes one feel as if we're in the middle of nowhere. Alone. Something about the weekend's unfurling made that comforting. 


I'm coming out of my cocoon...slowly, but surely. Candace and Jess came for an impromptu happy hour on Thursday. Happy it was especially because Ted joined we ladies for a game of Wavelength. It's a good one to add to the game closet and a great way to start the and cheese and kindreds too. 

The weekend was a real good one. We had a fun date with Ted and Meryl Saturday...a chill patio dinner at a nearby cantina, a stop for the flavor of the day and then a drive to see the almost full moon on the rise over the lake. After coffee and croissants the next morning, we had a doubles match that ended in a tie we were unable to break because Grandma and Grandpa were stopping by for a Sunday afternoon visit. Lucky for me and Mike since we were getting tired and poised to suffer defeat. It was finally nice enough to sit on the patio.  Lily was busy training, golfing and with friends all weekend, but she was able to join us for family dinner. It's my best loved weekend bookend.

And now I'm ready for the week ahead.

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