Friday, May 31, 2024

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

A good week of getting back into a new "normal." Lily started her job. She's still adapting to the early mornings, but she's having fun with the girls and full of funny stories at the end of each day. Teddy was busy hitting the books by day and the greens by night. In between, he set up a Rover account to make some walking around money this summer. 

Kids with such strong work ethics.

Once the sun went down and the air cooled, we cozied in the family room for movie nights a couple times this week.

Before Mike left for NY, we had a homemade pizza/game night. Hues and Cues was a fun new to us game. These are the kind of nights I miss the most when the kids are gone so we are going to have lots of them this summer.

Mike comes home tonight.

Gus is our mini mouser. Ted and I had quite a chuckle trying to get him to drop the poor little guy he befriended so we could set him free.

A new summer dress that will be perfect for the hot and humid days to come.

The Supreme Court.

Cooking for the kids. I've been seriously lacking in kitchen inspiration, but now that they are home, it is back.

Catching up with my uncle. 

Taking care of business. Slowly ticking things off my lists.

All the rain is so good for my flowers.

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