Saturday, May 18, 2024

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

Ted called very early this morning to show me the view of the Amalfi Coast. I didn't was that stunning. Today they're taking a cooking course.  Pasta, fresh Mozz and Tiramisu are on the menu. I think he's on my vacation.

My guy coming with me to my favorite nursery where I get my beloved streptocarpella plants. I was going to cut back on my annuals this year because it just seems to be a wise choice. Just like everything else, flowers have sky rocketed. But then I saw some window boxes last week and somehow they ended up in my cart. I couldn't stop thinking about them. Yeah, so two carts worth of flowers and now I need to get planting so I can enjoy my yard this summer. I plan to stay put and spend lots of time there.

We have so many new neighbors and slowly we're meeting them. I love when young families move into the neighborhood and remind me of 20 years ago when we made Casa Wags our home.

An almost full house.

When I find pictures I didn't take on my phone.


Political rallies.

Donald J Trump. I left this event feeling hopeful for the first time about our Democracy. I keep my politics close to my vest, but I cannot do that with what is at stake with this election. For those of you who say he is a horrible person, I ask you to really look at the kind of man Joe Biden is. How has he amassed the incredible wealth he has as a career politician? Is our Democracy protected by weaponizing the DOJ? I thought kangaroo courts only existed in Banana Republics. Hmmm do some research and I guarantee it will open your eyes. Why are we spending trillions of dollars fighting other country's wars and allowing unfettered access at our borders. Do you know that the crime rate in numerous central American countries is at record lows? They're sending all their criminals here. This should scare you. Why are we paying off student loans instead of addressing the real problem: the insane cost of higher education? My mom sacrificed to put me through college. I sacrificed to do the same for my children. That debt doesn't disappear into thin air. We will all be paying for it along with our double digit inflation. Do I think Donald Trump is a saint? No, he's a flawed man, but a brilliant leader. I will vote for the President who will keep this country safe, respected, wealthy, free. Joe Biden is not even running this country. Ask yourself who is? And sit with the real fact that Kamala, the hyena, will likely assume the presidency at some point if Biden is re-elected. Now that, that is terrifying

Pizza three ways for dinner with Jess: Chicken Ranch, Gyro and always Margherita. And Gus who is just waiting for us to leave the room because he'd like to try them all.


Moulin Rouge Sunday. I've never seen it so I'm especially looking forward to the show and time with Judy.

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