Monday, May 27, 2024

Spring Inventory

I have not been reading. That is unless Vanity Fair counts. I'm still trying to finish the books I took on my last two trips. I'm halfway through both and the Leaning Tower of Pisa stack on my bedside table has been reshelved. I think it was causing me major anxiety.


 I know the problem is I've been watching too much. I have become not my parents, but my grandparents. I watch several hours of news every night and then have to switch to something light lest I lay awake into the wee hours worrying. I think it's telling that Dark and Evil are more soothing than the nightly news. Sunday night we look forward to AFHV. We is Mike, Hazel and I. She loves Dog Park. Top Chef is in Wisconsin this season and it's been fun to see our state in such a positive national spotlight.

If music is on these days it's likely country, or if I'm alone Taylor Swift. Otherwise, I'm listening to birdsong, my new wind chimes and the neighborhood sounds of lawnmowers whirring and children laughing. A family with six kids moved behind us and they're loving their new yard. Ted and Meryl arrived home from their latest European adventure Friday night and we stayed up late listening to stories from the Amalfi Coast and the streets of London. They made pasta and fresh mozzarella and drank the local wine. They hiked along the coast above the Tyrrhenian Sea, and then they saw two shows in London. That's my kinda vacay.



I'm enjoying working in the yard. It's so satisfying to plant things and watch them grow. I am learning that less is more as I have a lot of thinning out to do. I was disappointed because it's looking so pretty and I wanted to entertain outdoors this weekend, but Mother Nature had other plans. And knowing that we have the whole summer ahead of us to entertain in the aire libre.

I am also enjoying spending time with Lily. She's enjoying a couple weeks of downtime after slaying her semester...again! She's Iron-man training and bonding with Gus. 

I'm loving an afternoon of theatre with my step-mom. We saw and LOVED Moulin Rouge last weekend. I'm also loving fresh lilacs from my neighbor's yard, my little patio herb garden, competitive family NYT puzzling with our morning coffees, when Lily cooks the most amazing Margherita paninis for dinner, tomatoes that taste like the sun, Aeperol Spritz Margaritas and Lemonade Mimosas, finally a pedicure and the prettiest pink toes, Dreamsicle ice cream, red lipstick, the orioles in my yard, my dad's Choriqueso and guac, my Synoshi. Family dinners after which we linger long around the dining room table. The way Hazel and Gus have finally bonded and how they make our house a home. This life.



It will be a summer of cooking and eating with the kids home and the price of going out prohibitive on a regular basis. Fresh. Yesterday's watermelon was perfect and the grapes have been so sweet and crisp. Lots of chicken now that Lil's, our pollotarian, is home, and more square meals. Cheese and crackers cannot be dinner with two Iron-people in the house. I discovered I sort of love arugula now. I've been making any number of very thin crust pizzas and topping them with an arugula salad. Custard because, well, summer. Quick breads because, well, I won't throw out a single berry. The below Blueberry Almond loaf is a family fave.

I'm thinking about what kind of summer we'll have. The violence has already ticked up. With the Republican National Convention coming this summer and the election this fall, I expect there to be more volatility. All the negative energy and emotion is not productive.

I'm wanting peace. Here, there, everywhere. Just enough. Not too much, unless we're talking joy, love, wisdom, generosity, kindness.

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