Monday, April 17, 2023

Monday Morning Musings


After the family day on Sunday we all needed and wanted, I drove the kids back to Madison this morning. Actually, Ted drove there and I drove back. I didn't get enough sleep so I was grateful he was ready to take the wheel. He put me in charge of tunes. I impressed him with my playlist, which was a playlist of Teddy tunes that I have grown to love. I had to add a few more after this weekend.

It was a crazy windy, snowy ride there and back. Ted was wearing shorts and only took a jacket after I insisted. Lily absconded another one of my sweatshirts. It's one I took long ago from Mike so I didn't say anything. She was relegated to the way back because Ted's bike was occupying the back seat. He's training for an Iron man this fall. He's always a guy with a goal.

We dropped Lils off first so she could get to her 9:55. Ted and I unloaded the van. He brought the important stuff...guitar, chicken, eggs and avocados, and clothes for the 70 degree swing in temps we can experience this time of year. I made his bed and he vacuumed. I could tell he was happy to be reunited with the boys. His first graduate class was at 1:00 just across the street at the business school, which is why he balked at the coat.

I sang my way home again. It was a quick, emotional ride. I seem to get in my feelings in my car. Music only makes me mushier. They were happy feels though. My two are thriving and nothing makes me happier. I catch myself feeling wistful for when they were younger, but it never lasts long because I am so into these versions of Teddy and Lily. And I still get unsolicited hugs and I love yous. Truth is I love all the ages and stages, but I am conscious to be present in the here and now instead of ruing or pining.

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