Wednesday, April 19, 2023

A Cup Half Full Kinda Day


I'm having such a great day that I want to take note of the little things that are always instant attitude adjustors. Things like enough sleep, morning exercise, music, a low carb lunch and happy evening plans. It all makes perfect sense except how elusive self care can be.

I finally took off the flannel sheets yesterday and I had such a solid night's sleep that it cannot be a coincidence. It was cool, but that's they way we like it. I didn't want to get up when my alarm went off, but after 2 snoozes, I did. Since I've been back from Grand Cayman, I've struggled with recommitting to the morning exercise routine I'd established even though it was a game changer for me. My kettle bells kicked my butt this morning. It hurt so good.

I drank my lemon water, ended my shower with a steady dose of cold water and made a salad for lunch. Usually, I listen to news whenever I'm in my car, but I've been opting for music lately. It is a definite mood booster. I have a playlist of songs that I never get tired of. Songs that lift me up and make me happy to be alive every single time. Alicia Keys' Gramercy Park, Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah, Al Jarreau's Bring Me Joy, Ingrid Michaelson's You and I and Elle Fitzgerald's Volare are just a few on the eclectic song smash up I love. 

It's a broody, moody day, but I feel light and happy. That's it. That's enough.

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