Tuesday, May 24, 2022

All Good

Where to begin? I feel like I've been whining a lot here lately. I had a physical this morning and I talked to my doctor very honestly about my struggles: annoying, not debilitating. She made me feel heard and she had some ideas. Most of which I already know, but there is a relief in giving voice to your feelings. It's almost like confession. I'm overdue on that too.

Life is full of stress right now and I recognize I am not alone. Everyone I know is dealing with something. Most everyone is dealing with somethings. Plural. And while it's life to face obstacles, milestones, fears and hardships on a regular base, nothing feels very usual right now. Normal bumps feel like mountains. I blame the lack of compassionate, competent leadership if I have to point fingers. Heck, I'll point toes too. It doesn't do much good for immediate abatement, but August will be here soon and then November.

What grants easement right now is consistent self care, abundant family time, and the sprinkling of joy moments that I look for every day. Case in point...Mike and I took a before dinner walk last night. I almost didn't, but then did. If I hadn't, I would have likely watched the news and that has been bad for me lately. It was slightly crisp, but beautiful. A perfect night I knew I would regret not enjoying. 

After dinner, I retired to read. I started Verity this weekend and finished it last night. It was a page turner that I thoroughly enjoyed. Reading is so much better for me than television, and guess what I've been doing? Not doing? Too much Netflix. Too few books. I went out of my way to return it this morning so someone on the waiting list can get it sooner. It's a small gesture, but one that made me smile. I'm hoping Mean Baby will be waiting for me soon. I believe in the little things.

Saturday we took a whirlwind trip to Chicago with the intent to get ready to move Teddy in June. We made good time getting down to the windy city in the rain, were able to find street parking, get the keys from the doorman and haul all our stuff up in a single trip only to find that there was no electricity. There was no power because Teddy had just set up the account late the day before. So while I wanted to kill him, I didn't drive 90 miles to make even more of a mess to clean up. We called Robert, the doorman, and inquired about getting an extension cord. He sent Danny, Mr. Maintenance, STAT. He didn't like the idea of pirating the building's electricity, but he smuggled us a cord nonetheless and we worked at lightning speed to vacuum and shampoo the carpeting. I love them both. It's a good thing the place had been professionally cleaned because the windowless kitchen and the bathroom had zero light. We bleached and Lysoled all surfaces again for good measure. In two hours, we were at Giordano's getting Chicago Style pies feeling pretty proud of ourselves for not fighting getting the job done.

I'm excited for Teddy. I think he's going to enjoy living in Chicago, in his own studio with a gym and pool and grocery store on the 44th floor, 3 blocks from the lake in one direction and Rush street in the other. Cue the Jefferson's theme...He's moving on up. Of course, we still have no idea where he'll be living in September. Details for another day.

Sunday was another productive day only this time at home and in the yard. It's unbelievable how all the beds are filling in. Everything is lush and green. I'm not a green thumb, but I wish I were this time each year, and some day I dream of a big vegetable garden instead of a few pots of herbs. I plan to go to the nursery Friday because while it's a little chilly, I think we're out of danger where frost is concerned.

We're turning so many corners - on the cusp of summer with a graduating senior and an empty nest in fall. Even though I have to occasionally remind myself...it's all good.  

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