Wednesday, February 16, 2022

It's Wednesday

It's 50 degrees today. A big storm is predicted to just miss us again tomorrow. This has been a winter of near misses. Most are celebrating, but not me. I think that's a point I've made rather clear here. Now I'm just hoping the rain holds off long enough to get in a walk after work. I downloaded The Tender Bar because it was due back at the library. It was mine for three weeks, and while I got right into it, I picked up something else and then found myself in a reading rut. I'm hoping this motivates me to get back into the walking groove too. My sore knee is finally not sore. I'm far behind on reading and fitness goals. Hopefully this helps.

Ted was able to hitch a ride home for the weekend. That kept me busy in the kitchen. No complaints. We also had Soup or Bowl party on Sunday. It was actually the soup trifecta of a weekend here. Mike made a steak with veggies and farro that was delish. I made my ramen. It was spicy. I also made another batch of chicken dumpling for Ted to take back and to deliver to a neighbor who just had surgery. That was a pot of comfort. When I tell you what I did to the base, you'll understand why. I made the stock last week and then over the weekend I made stock out of the stock. That means I put in all the herbs and veggies and chicken again and let it simmer for hours before straining it. It was a beautiful rich amber color and it was full of flavor. I would have enjoyed a bowl of the stock on it's own. There was also granola, peasant and banana breads, and a batch of my new favorite cookies: think Tollhouse with copious amounts of dark chocolate and peanut butter chips and a huge scoop of oats. I brought them to work Monday and they were gone. The chocolate covered strawberries and the Bundtinis that were delivered were untouched, and those little cakes are pretty fabulous.

We went out for a family dinner Friday when Lils got home from work. She's been putting in a lot of hours and working out after her shifts so we barely see her. Ted's choice was Water Street Brewery and while it's not my favorite, I'm good if I'm with them. Also, it wins on atmosphere. I need to go on a little rant here about eating out these days. It's been disappointing. I'm not aggravated by a long wait or a more select menu. I am dissatisfied with rude, dismissive service and bad food all while prices have soared. I know I know...Covid. Yet I'm wondering when we will ever stop using this as a universal excuse for everything. For now, I will continue to cook at home more and frequent the restaurants I know are worth my money when we decide to go out. To be transparent, our service Friday was perfect...the food was meh and the bill was silly.

While Ted was home, we drank wine together, he worked out with his dad and his sister and we all watched some football and a little Ted Lasso. The later was more entertaining. He also wore the kittens out. It was a good, quick visit that ended with some extended family drama. Drama I don't have the energy to go into What's heartbreaking fails to translate.

Valentine's Eve was low key. Lily worked and then went for a swim. Mike and I played cards and made a nice lobster dinner...chicken breast for her. The cats ate my roses. I planned to make risotto, but wasn't in the mood for fuss. I remembered the oven risotto phenomenon and went that easy route. I tell you, there is no difference. Mike is now the lobster king. These were the best tails ever. See, who needs restaurants?

I had to think hard what day today is. I was at a loss over whether in was Tuesday or Wednesday. My heart is a little heavy, I've been sleeping like a rock and dreaming in novels. It's been hard getting out of bed and so easy to crawl back in. Many would say that this is February malaise, but I know better. And I also know the kind of self-care that nips this low level depression in the bud.



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