Friday, August 27, 2021

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

Going away and the way I can feel like I'm in another world when I'm just 30 minutes from home. And my brother and sil for sharing this magical place with us.

 Coming home to these sweet faces. They really missed us. And we missed them.

The eagle landed on our beach Saturday morning. It was kismet. We walked to their nest the night before, but no luck. I was grateful that Candace and Jess got to see one because it's a universe moment.

Fruits of summer.

Summer in a glass...aperol spritzes.

The reach...where the water meets the sky. When the horizon is hard to see, I feel hope. It's something I cannot explain.

Finnegan McGoo who is a little timid, a lot curious and just a giant snuggly baby. He's the hardest to win over, but once he is, he's yours. My aunt calls him a tuxedo and promises we'll never be unable to identify him because his markings are so distinct. She's right. 

Sister Hazel who is our resident chatterbox. She meows when she enters a room. She meows when you enter a room. She meows when you call her. She meows when you look at her. She even meows in her sleep. She meows in your sleep too, but the thing is that she has the sweetest little mew. She speaks and melts my heart.

 Gus the little roly poly ball of fun always into everything, underfoot, scheming. I just cannot imagine a Gusless Casa Wags. He's literally the heart of the house and this house has a lot of heart.

Ordering right. My one dish dinner at Belfre was a good choice. Mahi mahi with braised cabbage in a ponzu sauce was sort of divine.

Full bloom. I cannot believe there are mums for sale already. I'm not ready to abandon my summer beauts.

Driftwood and the way everything has a story.

A happy summer at home...the four of us...the seven of us.

New family room furniture. We waited a long time, but it was worth it. This is one of my favorite rooms in the house again.

Lils is at the first football game of the season tonight. School starts in less than a week and I'm crossing my fingers for a "normal" year.

My guys are bingeing movies tonight. Mike is recovering from a minor medical procedure and Ted is keeping him company.

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