Thursday, June 27, 2019

The 411

I didn't realize what a harbinger my last post would be. I've had an impossible time finding my words.  The right words. They feel more important lately with all these milestones of life coming and going. The pressure is on to make my mark on this ever evolving history. Saying the right thing makes me ponderous, and so it goes...I've been stuck in my head.

But no longer. Tonight the dinner dishes were cleared post haste. (Thank you Love for a scrumptious Carbonara.) I could not bring myself to fold another load of never ending laundry. We're caught up on the show we're binge watching (Big Little Lies). I'm between books, and so I'm here. Ready or not.

Ted is all grown up and graduated with gold cords around his neck. In his last week of school, he had his first ever detention and in his first week of big boy life, he had his first ticket. Just keeping it real. He's literally never been grounded and then when I wanted to punish him for his transgression by keeping him home in his room, I realized I couldn't. I knew it wouldn't have the desired effect. That aha moment is also a testament to my getting older and wiser because by approaching the situation with calmness and grace we all gained perspective and respect. We're still in this together.

He is such a better boy than I was a girl his age and I try to let that inform my reactions the few times we have bumps or wrinkles. We grow when we make mistakes and disappoint, and the unconditional love we are shown when we are at a low is what makes us want to be our be our best selves. These are what are commonly referred to as teachable moments.

So back to graduation. I tucked two packets of Kleenex in my purse and opted out of any mascara so sure I was that I'd be a puddle all ceremony long, yet I literally wore a perma grin the whole day. The ceremony was hugely celebratory and classy. And it all went way too fast for me. When Ted walked across the stage almost the last of 300, I literally blanked. It was a blur. I was pumped full of adrenaline and I only had one cuppa. So beyond grateful that Mike recorded it. I was, excuse the phrase...blinded by the light. Surrounded by family and friends, it was a feeling of good chi I will remember forever. It will be one of the places I go when I am summoned to close my eyes and think of that happy place.

We finally found Ted after the recessional in front of the theater taking pictures with friends he's known his whole life. I was still smiling ear to ear. There was such a feeling of camaraderie and community that it was warm and infectious. Everyone was feeling it. It was a time for hugs and hi fives. For Cubans and selfies. A favorite teacher informed me, "This is how they adult." I never got his picture in his mortar board, but I got a great shot of the whole student section throwing their caps in the air. That will do.

We celebrated dads and grads back at Casa Wags with a simple bbq and a badass Bucky Badger cake. It was a great day because we have much to celebrate.


And speaking of celebrating, the big graduation bash was this past Saturday. It pretty much consumed my life the last couple weeks. I'm still recovering. More to come. I LOVE throwing parties and I get very into it all. The menu and decorating and entertainment. We threw a joint party with our close friends. Ted and Olivia are 4 days apart. She's the older woman and she loves to remind him of that. The first picture of the two of them is from when they were days old lying side by side in his crib. We joked about how this day would come and so it did. We had a beautiful day, delicious spreads and festival-worthy fireworks. At the end of the night when it was just us drinking chilled wine beside the blazing fire pit, we all toasted and let the night linger a little longer. Then I offered a private thank you for the blessings of family, friends, good fortune and bright futures. There was a feeling of magic in the air.

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