Sunday, June 3, 2018

Sunday Morning

I was up at 5 o'clock this morning. The day already dawned. The sun had risen up over the lake, but I could tell by the angle of light that it had only just happened. I stayed in bed for an hour thinking about the trippy dream I had overnight and the fresh new day ahead. Yesterday was a bit of a waste. I wasn't feeling well physically or emotionally so I stayed in bed most of the day watching one bad Lifetime movie after another. It seemed fitting since I was missing my mom and she was a sucker for those t.v. dramas.

I'm not confessing this with any guilt (okay maybe just a little) because sometimes we need to check out and process. Also, I woke today feeling better in every way and ready to slay dragons, or at least groceries and laundry and Sunday dinner. I granted myself permission to brood and hydrate for 24 hours. Today is a tabula rasa and that is a gift. Today, I have an open heart and a clear head. It's going to be a beautiful day. I just know it. I feel it.

First thing I tucked my head in to confirm Teddy's alarm was set and to see if he wanted breakfast before heading to the golf course. He gave me his usual yes, please. There is comfort in knowing that he still wants me to care for him. That he needs and appreciates me. I sent him off before caddying with a healthy, homemade breakfast. It's already been a good day.

I'm on my second cuppa, the fog is lifting, the birds are raucous, the house is quiet. I'm ready.

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