Sunday, February 11, 2018


we just finished family dinner with my brother and sil.
when my mom was alive, sunday dinner was often celebrated around her table.
for many years after she passed, the six of us continued to gather for dinner at the end of the weekend.
it's been less frequent in recent years as life has gotten busier.
to say i miss this tradition is an understatement.
today i tried a new recipe for the occasion.
chicken parmesan lasagna was a comforting choice for a cold and snowy sunday.
at the last minute i mixed batter for a cast iron skillet cookie knowing we wouldn't need dessert.
a single slice remained.
it's hard to resist hot out of the oven chocolate chip cookies.

i failed to get a photo, so here is one of the salad that was enjoyed with my homemade balsamic vinaigrette instead.

come to think of it the day started with my cast iron skillet too.
when i woke early to see the streets covered in snow, i decided it was a good day to hibernate.
the house was quiet...the world outside was all but deserted. 
i started dough for monkey bread and snuggled in to read while it rose.
i received the book i need to read for thursday's book club yesterday and quickly got into it.
i will quickly get through the girl with seven names too.
the house started to smell good.

sweet baked goods ensure everyone wakes in a pleasant mood. i don't know that i'll be going through the process of making my cinnamon rolls anymore. this was so much easier and better.

lily was not into hibernating and teddy was.
that's rare.
she went shopping with a friend and he enjoyed a day with nothing to do.
i got back to my book.

and my cat.

until i was sweetly surprised by a visit from candace who was in the neighborhood.
i was so glad to see her that i didn't mind that she busted me in my pjs in the middle of the afternoon.

the weekend started early the same way it ended: with a snow day.
it probably wasn't necessary, but it was welcome.
teddy spent the free friday studying for the act, which he took saturday morning.

 i've never seen him study with such dedication and focus.

 he said the test was tough. now we wait.

lily bundled up and went to play in the snow.

here she is throwing snowballs at the cats, which didn't bother peanut at all and had tigger growling.

she was missing her friends, feeling a little bored and even conceded that school's not so bad.
she agreed to do a craft project with me and this proves she was desperate.
we attacked a stack of magazines to make our vision boards.
then we ordered pizza and watched the opening ceremonies.


saturday morning i was up with the sun.

and peanut.

i wanted to send teddy off for his big test with a balanced breakfast.

this was his request.

 i was feeling all years are minutes as he drove away.
how are we already at this point?
and yet it's all good.
it didn't help that lily had an appointment to sit for the 8th grade composite.
it seems like yesterday i was here with teddy.
it was three years ago.

 she's all grown up. beautifully.

at least my cats will never leave home.

brotherly love.
lily made plans to sled with a friend and teddy went to play hockey.
mike and i played a very competitive game of gin.
then we made a simple, but delicious pasta dish.

orecchiette with bacon in a lemon cream sauce.

good food.
good times.

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