Friday, February 2, 2018

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

Ted and Uncle B Bone had plans to hit the range Sunday afternoon. Uncle B Bone asked Lily to join them. She said yes. Yes, to hitting golf balls in a snow squall before pitching practice, and she came home loving golf even more! That folks is a miracle.

I read 7 books in January. That's a record for me. This week I finished Nourished. I didn't love it, but I think it's worth reading. It added some inspiration to a book idea I've been mulling over. I'm waiting for The Immortalists from the library, and in the meantime I found my way to Magical Journey. I've been saving this Kenison memoir for the right time. Turns out this is the right time.

My favorite spot with my faithful morning cuddler.

 Peanut approves. I'm reading this slowly and with Kleenex in hand. It evokes a flood of emotion.

I'm filling in with a little poetry. 

Audible. I've had Mother Land since early fall. I started listening to it in late fall. I often listen to books while I walk. This book was not inspiring me to log miles. I was dreading these character and felt like after a few hours and chapters, I still knew little about them and cared for them even less. I returned it to Audible and they let me chose a new book. The Woman in the Window is a definite change of pace. I got right into it. I usually opt for lighter reads for listening so lesson learned. It's 18 degrees today and I'm thinking of going for a walk.

Not giving up. The risotto was a recipe fail, but last night it was transformed into delicious arincini. 

My next challenge is making them look as good as they taste.


A fresh egg on the last slice of homemade peasant bread.

My crock pot.

Hands down it makes the best beef stew, which I somehow never make the same way twice but it's always so delicious.

Comfort. Peanut butter cookies say I love you. My kids confirmed what I suspected: I've never told them I love them this way. In other words, I've never made them peanut butter cookies. Maybe it's because they remind me of my childhood and my mom. #foodismemories.

Hot out of the over after school snack. They made me crave an After School Special.

Contentment. Any number of photos would have fit here, but I'm sticking with the food theme. It was a busy week in #krissywskitchen.

This is one of Ted's favorites: chicken thighs baked with lemon and thyme for 20 minutes at 400 degrees and then brushed with a Dijon, honey and minced garlic glaze and baked for 20 more. Must be served with rice and roasted asparagus for ultimate satisfaction.


Every morning without fail. The only difference on any given day is the mug always chosen carefully.

A cold, snowy, wintry weekend forecast.

Mike for being Mr. Fix It around the house. He's pretty handy and cute too.

The super blue blood moon. Persistent cloud cover kept it hidden so I didn't see it, but I could feel it.

Taken this morning. This week I've been reminded that inspiration always comes from above.

Morning visitors.

Squirrel t.v.

Lazy afternoons.

Nobody does it better.

Lululemon leggings and the fact that they can repair holes quickly and cheaply, but before you buy them, consider the fact that GapFit leggings are almost as nice for at least half the price. My legging loving Lily stands by this.

Teddy has been putting in the time preparing for the ACT. He takes it next week. Over the weekend he had me take a practice English exam and I did pretty well. Impressed him enough that he's been asking me English questions all week. I'm grateful he's taking this seriously and seeing that hard work and practice pay off.

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