Friday, April 12, 2024

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

Spring inspiring some overdue projects although I not at all grateful that we had to take down the 3 majestic pines that towered over the yard. Ted once climbed to the top of one of those trees and I thought I was going to have to call the fire department to get him down. They were especially beautiful after snowstorms and they were home to many birds and critters as well as the resting place of a gazillion baseballs and golf balls.

Fiery Red most recently took up residence in the boughs. Today I spotted him in front on our Maple. I think he's relocated.
We'll do a little spring cleaning inside and outside this weekend and really that's all that's on our agenda.

It's too early to do any planting, but I'll pull out some spring decor and put out the new yard spinner I recently bought that I have the perfect spot for.

Godmother and Godson at the Memorial Union on a sunny Saturday.

Magnolia buds. A bustling, bursting campus.

Vicarious living. 

Loie was persistent with her knitting despite the fact that Gus kept her from making progress. She indulged his every whim.

I rigged up a play tower for the kit kats who had to be alone this week after so much attention. Gus jumped right in and on. Hazel is a little more discerning. They've been playing more together and it warms my mama heart.

Lils got the job! She will be the nanny for 2 girls this summer: a 6 and an 8 year old. I think she's going to enjoy the camp of two as opposed to the summer camp cast of characters.
This sexy quiche. It tastes as good as it looks.

  Gus thinks the flowers are delicious too.

A new pink sweater. I'm back to feeling color.
Amber. I put it on the other morning and it made me happy all day long.
Open windows. 

The AAAaaaahhh woe woe woe of the mourning doves in the yard.


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