Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Happy Merry

I'm finally coming up for air after a beautifully full stretch of days celebrating Jesus, Santa, family. We're not quite done yet. Today we celebrate Ted. Meryl and I wished him a happy happy in unison at the stroke of 12. She was FaceTiming from San Diego where he's heading at the end of the week. I'm just grateful he's not leaving at the crack ass the day after from O'Hare like last year. He's gotten all Groundhog on his birthday the past couple years. It's really Ted's perfect day and so it's apropos. It goes like this: workout, wings, guys and golf, City Lights for craft beers and curds and then they storm the casino. This year I am waiting to hear the stories from the comfort of my favorite cozy spot. It's pretty awesome though because his squad is a good one...friends from all ages and stages and all great guys. 

And lest I get too complacent, New Year's is also on the horizon. We are always very spontaneous with regard to the ringing in of the new year, but for as long as I can remember, we always pull a little something something together. Last night I was putting together a menu. Today friends offered to host. For a nano second I wanted to push Casa Wags, but now I'm feeling lucky to only be responsible for an ap and some champs. I'll also be bringing the New Year's swag as it is a ritual.

Traditions were in flux this year, but I have to say everything turned out perfectly. We celebrated with the Wegehaupt Family Saturday. For the first time ever, we were the first ones to arrive. Turns out my mother-in-law told my husband 12:30 and everyone else 1:00. My husband told us noon. We arrived at 12:30. Guess I need to add promptness to my 2024 list of resolutions.

It was a fun and festive gathering. Sometimes I miss all the little girls and boys, but I'm so digging these interesting, engaging young adults who are fun to be with in a whole other way. I won't lie...there was a moment I was daydreaming about the day I'm a great aunt (cannot yet imagine grandma), but I'm not wishing away this sweet spot.

Christmas Eve we made a game day decision to take a little Christmas to my Dad and Judy, who was released from the hospital the day before. It was a money move because we had a great visit and I think waiting would have diluted the spirit of the season...a spirit they very much needed after the last two weeks. And because we weren't fussing in the kitchen, we were able to spend the time visiting without distraction.

We hemmed and hawed about how to spend the rest of the night. We were too late for church and uninspired to make a fancy dinner. I suggested we make quesadillas and it was Christmas quesadillas for the win. the four of us played games and were in bed at a reasonable hour. It was a lesson in not letting perfect ruin good. It was so good.

The kids still slept in Christmas morning, but I enjoyed the quiet morning to reflect and regroup. The holidays can overwhelm me if I don't have time to just sit quietly with my angels and ghosts. This might have been the first year ever that we had breakfast before presents. It makes sense though because the kids need their coffees first thing too...albeit they prefer the cold brews. I made egg Benedict with the gorgeous farm eggs Grandpa gave us from his neighbor. I will have chickens when I leave Milwaukee county fyi. 

It's funny...we had fewer gifts, but it took us longer to open the reasonable pile. I can honestly say that I don't miss the early morning frenzy one bit. I much prefer these adults giving and receiving so graciously and thoughtfully. Gus was a little dickens, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Sister Hazel stayed close for the festivities too.

My brother and sister-in-law arrived early afternoon and we celebrated some more. Lily nailed the signature champagne cocktail. I was completely uncommitted to my menu. All week, I made lists, rewrote lists and never really got anywhere definitive. I knew I wanted to mix things up a bit and it all worked out as it always does. I did a couple waves of "fancy" aps and then a simple tenderloin, Caesar salad dinner. My sister-in-law brought the twice baked taters. We lingered and lingered around the table because no one was anxious to get up. This is the way it should be.

Yesterday I stayed in my pjs, under an afghan all day without a hint of guilt. We binge watched an entire season of a forgettable Netflix series and noshed on leftovers and all I want is more of this for the rest of this week...this year.

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