Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Late Winter Inventory

I started out strong. Read Cutting for Stone. The fifth time was definitely a charm. That's right...I started this novel no less than 4 times prior. I cannot explain my road block nor my tenacity, but I was so rewarded by this story and these characters in the end. Next I picked up Salter's Light Years. It's not light reading, but it sure is beautiful writing. I was put off by Nedra and Viri initially, but drawn in by Salter's storytelling from the start. I dogeared practically every other page for some exquisite description or blunt truth. I'm grateful I didn't give up on this little gem. I started Chef Eric Ripert's 32 Yolks only to get notice from the library that A Little Life was waiting for me. Yanagihara's novel is not a little book or an easy read, but it was captivating and raw and well-told. I had to pace myself because I was tempted to devour the 760 pages as quickly as possible, but it was also draining. I was warned and it is true: this novel's impact makes everything else feel trivial and trite. I have not read much since I finished it. I'm halfway through a few in this stack and gearing up for the rest. Ultimately, it was The One in the Million Boy that wooed me back. Wood's YA novel is quirky and charming, and it also tugs steadily on the heart strings.  

Wondering what it would be like to be a cat. I've had some serious cat envy going on in these days of late winter. Days that seem designed for curling up in some soft spot for hours that turn into days.

Hoping that I can plan and host a beautiful Easter brunch. There's nothing better than a houseful of people. And also that we get to Mexico without any incidence. I'd be a strong candidate for teleportation. I like the going places just not the getting there. I suppose I'm in good company.

Thinking about the past and legacy. The things we leave behind. These musings were mostly sparked by a visit to my Grandma's house. It's being prepped for an estate sale. So many memories. This Albert the Alley Cat hat reminded me of the time my brother and I made the evening news. We were playing in the snowbanks on the street in our matching hats in the middle of a snowstorm. Albert was the mascot for the station so we were PR in our cat hats. I thought about what good friends my brother and I were growing up, and how the snow banks seemed big as mountains when we were small, and how I had dreams that we would be such good friends for all our lives.

I remember collecting these glasses myself. I don't think my Grandma ever used her set. She had so much stuff she could never put it all to use. She probably didn't even know much of what she had, and she never used the good stuff. I Thought about how important it is to use the good stuff and not to have too much stuff.

This picture hung in her living room. I was spooked, but also mesmerized by this depiction of Jesus with the crown of thorns. I Thought about taking it, but I knew I wouldn't hang it. I drove down the alley we used to walk together to church instead and then I paused in front of it long enough to say a prayer.

Watched The Affair. This season felt a little like a tease. I wanted a couple more episodes at least. I was annoyed by the ending, but now that I'm thinking back on it, it may just be perfect.  We're also getting caught up on Billions and Homeland as we have Showtime for the late winter. I'm lukewarm on both show's seasons right out of the gate.

Listening to lots of Gypsy Kings and mariachi music in anticipation of our trip.

Eating pretty clean and with Michael Pollan's wisdom in mind: Eat food. Mostly Plants. Not too much. We're still restricting gluten, sugar and dairy. In the past week, we've had some of our favorite Irish fare. I don't think I'll be making soda bread though this year.

Drinking margaritas de patron, and lemon water and tea.

Wanting a big snowstorm all season. It arrived yesterday so I took a snow day. It was a gift to myself.

Enjoying Crabtree & Evelyn lotion, Teddy's new-earned independence, Amazon Prime (although it is a bit dangerous), brushing up on my Spanish and amping up the frequency and difficulty of my workouts.

Loving the Yiddish word mishegas and the French bete noire, the fact my cousins are coming for Easter, fresh flowers at the end of winter, a fresh haircut and feeling like I can wear some pink again.

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