A: Attached or single? Attached and lucky.
B: Best friend? Can count them on one hand. Beautiful blessings, real and true.
C: Cake or pie? Cake. Chocolate Cake or Grandma Rosie's Coconut Cake...Ina's now. But I do like French Silk and Coconut Cream pie....go figure.
D: Day of choice? Tuesdays and Saturdays, but the only day I dread is Monday.
E: Essential item? My Keurig and real cream for my morning coffee. Also my Aveda lipsticks, my library card and my lap top. Pandora. My favorite knife...a serrated bread knife I blasphemously use for almost everything.
F: Favorite color? Pink, but really all colors are beautiful.
G: Gummy bears of worms? Neither thanks. I'm a chocolate lover.
H: Hometown? Milwaukee, WI
I: Favorite indulgence? Wine.
J: January or July? I cannot choose. I love the first month for the ushering in of something new, but July is splendid in all her red, white and blue.
K: Kids? Two. Both rather amazing.
L: Life isn’t complete without? Love. Loved ones. Family and friends. Dreams.
M: Marriage date? October 21, 1995. Etched in my memory.
N: Number of siblings? One brother and many fristers.
O: Oranges or apples? Apples in the fall and oranges in the summer.
P: Phobias? Spiders. All bugs. Heights. Disease. I seem to be getting more phobic as I age.
Q: Quotes? I think in quotes. They are my inner speak. My best is Oscar Wilde's, "Every Little action of the common day makes or unmakes character." I love it because it is such a good reminder of personal responsibility and how little things matter big. And what's not to love about Oscar Wilde.
R: Reasons to smile? Just because. Because it makes the world such a nicer, kinder, happier place. My heart too. But also when my son throws a knuckleball and wows all the fans in the stands, or when my daughter tells me to step out of the way so she can catch the little frog I have spied and then quickly set him free, or when the right song comes on the radio. Right now it's Tracy Chapman's Fast Car. It takes me right back to freshman year in college. A particular night actually.
S: Season of choice? Fall always and forever, but I love the change of seasons.
T: Tag 5 people.
U: Unknown fact about me. I have lived within a mile of my first home my entire life except for summers on the east coast and four years in college.
V: Vegetable? Spinach, Brussel's sprouts, fresh green beans, sweet summer peas and tomatoes just picked from my aunt's garden. I consider tomatoes a veggie btw.
W: Worst habit? Interrupting. People pleasing. Saying yes when I want to say no. The www. Specifically, Ruzzle right now. It is addicting.
X: x-ray or ultrasound? I last had an MRI of my thigh. That was 2 years ago. I had a nasty tissue infection. It still hurts. Muscle memory is profound.
Y: Your favorite food? Cheese. Poached eggs. Good toasted bread. Pizza. Cheese on good toasted bread and poached eggs on pizza!
Z: Zodiac sign? Leo with a Virgo cusp. I am a needy, attention seeking control freak. Except usually I just want to be left alone and have someone else make decisions. My parents were both Virgos. That's why I think their marriage only lasted 4 short years. Well, that and the fact that they were 19 and 20 when they wed. My husband is a Scorpio. He has only the best characteristics of the sign so far as I can see. I take issue with the incompatibility between Leos and Scorpios...we've been together for 22 years and married 17.