Friday, April 26, 2013

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

Lots of sunshine and baseball this weekend.

Clean sheets, quilts and  comforters on all the beds.

More deep spring cleaning this week.

A long walk along the lakefront early one morning.

New haircuts for both kids, and the fact that they both like them now after initially disliking them.

Not losing my temper with T. Bone when said haircut made him act like he was 6 instead of 12.

Hubb's peanuts.

Boys night out girls night in.  Jess joined me for a little wine and cheese anoche.  I picked up a really tasty cheddar with stilton a bottle of red and a bottle of white.

I wasn't the only one having trouble with my daughter's third grade math homework...Aunt Jess was too.

Miss Bit made her own breakfast twice this week.  Now I have to inspire her brother to do the same.

Banana berry smoothies.

I finished Gillian Flynn's Dark Places.  It was dark.  Now I will start Amy Tan's Saving Fish From Drowning.  I don't think I've ever read it.

Thinking about this quote I read this week: An old Tibetan monk tells me the soul has no memory.  The dead do not feel their past.
To A Mountain in Tibet
Colin Thubron

Bedtime has greatly improved for my Bit.  She is having little to no anxiety at the end of the day. It is such a relief for her and also for me and Coach.

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