Tuesday, May 15, 2018


the weekend started out on the right foot.
candace came for happy hour and then jess came for chinese takeout.
we have just discovered the deliciousness that is singapore noodles.
i was up early saturday, but ted was the first one up and out.
he had a golf meet that he came home from with an amazing 70!
his low score gave him a natural high.
saturday morning i took lily shopping for an graduation dress.
she tried on 5 before finding the one.
it's perfect for the theme, which is color splash and looks lovely on her.
i was willing to continue the spree, but she had plans with girlfriends.
i decided to shop for ingredients in order to try some of the persian recipes i'm thinking of for my book club dinner.
it was a cool, rainy day so perfect for putzing in the kitchen.
it was only mike and i for dinner so it was perfect for trying strange new things.
strange and delicious new things.
we really enjoyed the yogurt and saffron soaked kebabs and the tomato and turmeric rice. 
hostiles, our movie selection, was lackluster.
sunday i was up early to prepare for a post-church breakfast we were hosting for my dad and my step-mom.
i kept it simple since it was impromptu and the real focus was on sharing mass and exchanging flowers.
the menu included teddy's favorite easy eggs benedict...too bad he was gone golfing.
(don't worry i said it was ok.)
i also made yogurt parfaits and a simple green salad.
my step-mom brought the pastries.
the highlight was looking through old family pictures.
mike went to see his mom early afternoon.
as much as i love my mother-in-law, i couldn't pry myself off the couch.
i put on terms of endearment and started to cry before the movie even got sad.
it's one of my favorites and, of course, it reminds me of my mom.
my mom and her mom actually.
i needed the pity party.
lily did not appreciate my choice.
my guy made ribs for family dinner at my request and the best part of the day was our time together.
my kids gave me a beautiful waterfall orchid and cards that made me cry all over again.
it was a good weekend, but i'm okay with the fact that it's over.

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