Thursday, January 5, 2017

Happy Birthday Baby

Dear Theodore Michael,

You've been 16 for a little over a week, and I still cannot believe it. I're definitely a teenager. That is to say you grow over night, you stay up too late, you don't get up early enough, you don't put away your laundry, you refuse to wear a coat (even when it's below zero), you say In a Minute much more than I like, you are slow to answer my texts and never take my calls (but if I'm not back to you ASAP all my phones blow up), you're constantly leaving piles, making noise and eating food. Typical. 

And yet, you're not typical at all. You are special. You have a big heart and a kind nature. You root for the underdog and you want to help people. You're funny and thoughtful and wise. The things you say make me laugh, beam and think. Sometimes you still call me mommy and in case you cannot tell, my heart bursts every time. You're a hard worker and you have big dreams. So much of your life now centers around friends, but family is still important to you. And while you can be never lasts long.

The picture below was taken exactly sixteen years ago. You were one week old. Still so new. In those first 7 days, I remember getting up with you in the middle of the night (several times a night) to feed you. I would hold you long after your tummy was satisfied. I would just stare at you sometimes smiling and others crying. I was in complete awe of you and the mother's love that made my heart swell like a rain cloud about to burst. So many dreams for you would flash through my mind. All of them have come true. The rest is icing.

This is the point and time where your dreams are paramount. You're figuring them out and whatever that means...however that looks, I'm here to love and support you. Just don't forget that you may be sixteen, but you'll always be my baby.

Love Always,


Three amigos and a happy birthday!

Three cousins and 54 cumulative birthday wishes.

Will you be a Badger one day?

That smile. NYE 2016!

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