Today I give thanks for...
Being home sweet home. We lived in this cozy, comfy Montana cabin one week.
And then this cozy (cozy in an entirely different way) and not too comfy Indiana hotel room the better part of the next.
Birthdays. Before we left on our road trip, we celebrated my father in law's 75th and Lily's 11th at the hibachi grill.
Lily Kates then.
And now. Still just as sweet, but she has more teeth.
Our birthday girl has been the best sister and loyal fan ever. She didn't mind at all that her "big" celebration had to be put on hold for her brother's regional baseball tournament. Aunt Jess made her feel extra special by taking her out to lunch that day and every time the phone rang on her birthday it was for her. Her new and first i phone surprised and delighted her.
Oh yea...and the fact that we were at regionals means that GLL team won state.
It couldn't have happened to a nicer group of boys...
Both big.
And used to be bigger.
The night the team won state we drove overnight for 18 hours all the way to Montana. The drive was a character building experience. The trip was a family building adventure.
About this trip there are hundreds of photos on 5 cameras most of which are unedited at present. This one almost sums up the majestic beauty that is YNP. It's called The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, and grand it is.
Sorry, it isn't possible to share just one.
There are also many stories, moments and memories that I will find the time to share soon.
A story.
A moment.
A memory.
And now we are home sleeping in our own beds beside our own pets after a whirlwind two weeks...
Because the boys...
played hard and well:
the last game against the host, Teddy pitched a complete game and 13 strikeouts getting everyone's attention,
but they missed advancing by some crazy statistic, and yet we're still celebrating one of the finest runs in GLL history and a team complete with first rate players, coaches and fans.
Now we get to go to the Brewer game Saturday night to be recognized instead of Taylor, Michigan to compete at the Little League Juniors World Series. Traveling with the team and the family was a blast, but it's good to have a little down time (as if) before you know what starts!