Sunday, August 18, 2013

two day pass

this weekend at the tail end of summer vacation left me feeling a little unsettled.
i have that dreaded, panicky, how can this be feeling.
i mean truth be told, summer is like almost three months of weekends.
at least for t. bone and miss bit.
and because i've been known to live too.
i'm not ready for the loosey, goosey pace, the come what may attitude to cease.
so in the interim we do our best to eke out the goodness is most moments.
we took a family walk before friday night pizza/ movie night.
miss bit kept pace with us for 3 1/2 miles, but there were numerous stops for bug catching and crane viewing.
saturday we visited the audubon center, met a couple owls, caught a few frogs and bounced for a while on the trampoline trees.
later in the day we made our way due north for a summer night on my aunt and uncle's patio where the highlight of the party was a sweaty game of ultimate frisbee.
miss bit only gloated a little that she was responsible for the most touchdowns.
never underestimate the young and small.
sunday the kids were off and running to the pool, lunch and then golf with my brother and sil.
when they came home all water logged and happy and hungry again, coach grilled the best brats of the season.
we served them with ears of the sweetest corn and watermelon: quintessential summer.
in a word...simple.
miss bit is calling me from the landing now.
it's time to read together and then get some sleep for another week of summer.
2 weeks to go.