Monday, October 8, 2012

On My Mind Monday

Of all the things I'd been skeptical about, I didn't feel skeptical about this: the wilderness had a clarity that included me.

Cheryl Strayed, Wild

I'm reading Wild right now.  It's taking me awhile, which says nothing of the memoir and everything about my state of mind.  I'm lacking clarity with regard to my place and my purpose in this world.  This simple sentence was one of those aha moments.  The kind where I read something and I know a light has just turned on in my head to illuminate me from within.  The kind that has me absolutely certain I met these words at the right time.  Like just when I needed them.  I have been having a hard time being with my thoughts.  That makes it difficult to write.  Not writing makes it difficult to be me.  I have been struggling to quiet the chaos that is my mind.  That makes it hard to read.  What I have been finding some solace and certain peace in is watching the world around me and simply saying, thank you.  Saying thank you out loud for the world to hear.  I'm putting that grateful energy out there hoping that someone somewhere will sense it and send it forth on its way.

There is such an incredible sense of order in nature.  We look at it and we see the untamed earth...but the wilderness is more predictable than we think.  The sun always rises and sets with precision.  The tide ebbs and flows with the moon on the wax or wane.  Mountain snow cover becomes spring streams.  The leaves change color with certainty this time each year. 

Thank you.

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