Friday, November 12, 2010

Grateful Friday

Today I give thanks for...

Celebrating this amazing father and husband on his birthday. Today he turns 43, but he's celebrating the rest of the month.

He's ready for the Badger game tomorrow. His annual trek to Camp Randall with the boys falls appropriately on his birthday weekend. (Better him than's supposed to be cold and rainy.)

A little light reading. I'm thinking this will take him through the long winter ahead.

Dance parties in the kitchen.

T. Bone and Miss Bit...cute and cuter in no particular order.

An anniversary getaway last weekend alone with my hubby.

Miss Bit sweetly singing her first solo, albeit also a little shyly.

T. Bone rocked his first guitar recital. He played Ode to Joy almost perfectly on his acoustic guitar and then he jammed out on the electric guitar.

Miss Bit saying she wants to play the guitar too.
Getting up for a walk this morning. It was dark and damp, but unseasonably warm for mid-November. I love starting my Friday pounding the pavement.
T. Bone realized he forgot his backpack this morning as he was getting out of the car. I told him he could just have hot lunch like his sister, which is fish fillet. Although he's not a fish fan, he acquiesced hesitantly, gave me knocks and ran off to get in the football game his friends were already well into. Miss Bit met me for a kiss with a quivering lip and said, "I just feel so bad for T. Bone." I was putty, and quickly back on my way home to pick up the forgotten backpack.
Family singathons on the way to school. This morning it was Soul Sister, loud and proud.
The scenic route. All week I've been moseying along the lakefront to get to work. It's actually faster than the freeway and much more enjoyable. Reminds me that it's not the destination that matters most, but the manner of traveling.
Hills and stairs at the Audubon this week.
Burning lungs and quads.
Easy, but delicious chicken marsala with a side of roasted zucchini.
Eventhough T. Bone was unable to attend a new friend's birthday party last weekend because he was at Grandma and Grandpa's, he asked me this week, "Mom, don't you think we should get J. a gift?" Normally we only bring gifts to the parties we attend, but how could I deny my boy's thoughtfulness.
Miss Bit's back in swimming lessons and once again fooling everyone that's she's a fish in the pool.
A weekend busy with play dates and parties.

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