Monday, August 16, 2010

Girls Day Out!

Aunt Jess had one of her brilliant ideas during Sunday's breakfast. Since the boys were teed up for a golf outing, she suggested that we girls forge ahead with our weekend of fun and spend the beautiful day at the beach. I mulled it over for less than a second before deciding that life is short and summer even shorter, got on the phone with one of Miss Bit's BFFs to see if she was in for a spontaneous, sisterhood outing, packed a cooler and only got lost 2 or 3 times in route to our favorite little lake.

Miss Bit and her buddy B. were eager to get in the water. Jess and I were excited to get into our books, but the little girlies were eying up the raft and, well...6 and 7 year olds aren't the most patient so after a few pages we embarked on our own noodle regatta. The water felt more than refreshing, and the girls were quite entertaining trying to outdo each other with their dives, jack knifes, canon balls and flips.

They ended up spending a good part of the afternoon on the playground that screams nostalgia for this old gal. I loved watching them have fast paced, frenetic fun...seriously, in most of my pictures they are just colorful striped blurry whirs.

After a few fast hours, we headed back to town and ended up at B.'s house with precision timing. Her Daddy had just filled a platter with hot grilled hamburgers and brats and it would have been incredibly rude not to stay and help our friends eat all that meat!! Bouncing (on the trampoline), burgers, brats and beers with besties...the perfect end to our bacchanal of a weekend! When Miss Bit turns 16, I plan to live it up the whole month of August!

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