Wednesday, June 9, 2010

T Minus 2

Yesterday as I was whip creaming the third graders...well, not the kids, but their ice creams...I got rather nostalgic. T. Bone's been in school with many of these boys and girls for 5 years so I've watched them grow up and gotten to know a good many of them. There are friends I know he'll keep despite the switch in schools, but I'm feeling a little verklempt as I'm so prone to do when the passage of time and place are marked.

It is a glorious day. The sun is shining, a breeze is blowing and the only clouds in the sky do not threaten to ruin T. Bone's field day. Miss Bit's field day was cancelled because yesterday it rained and rained and rained. Instead she got to watch a movie. A Bug's Life was the's a movie she's seen at least a half a dozen times. I'm glad she wasn't disappointed.

I cannot say the same. I wondered where the kindergarten graduation was. And when I wondered aloud, I was told matter of factly that "THEY don't do THAT." I refrained from asking why? I stopped myself before I offered that WE should. I didn't dare share that at our new school the kindergartners don mortar boards and earn diplomas. Miss Bit misses that because next year she'll only be moving from first to second. I miss it.

T. Bone was just beyond excited to start his day. You see his teacher, Chef W., was cooking Room 28 breakfast. He was incredulous that she could switch gears from multiplication and division facts to eggs, chocolate chip pancakes, sausage, AND - yes, and - hash browns! After the school picnic, he gets to play the afternoon away, and then during today's baseball practice the Minor League Sox are scrimmaging the Rookie Division Yankees and well, you know all about that rival. All the more exciting for my boy is the fact that last year he was a Yankee so this is personal. Then tomorrow's the last day of school and Friday will be spent at Grandma and Grandpa's pool and it's supposed to be 90 bloody degrees and is good!

Miss Bit is traveling down easy street too. Her friend, G., is coming over after school. She lobbied for skipping the Daisy meeting G.'s Mom just told me about this morning and I am one of the leaders. Not sure how that happens. Her case was compelling. She was all..."Well you know's rude to make plans and then to break them. I already asked G. to come over." And I was all like, "Well, Miss know that G. is a Daisy too so you could both go to the meeting." And then it was brought to my attention that as of today G. is an ex-Daisy so that was THE end of that.

This time next week, I won't be alone with my thoughts blogging in the peace and quiet of my house, and that's OK. Actually, it's better than OK because it's summer vacation and we have ice cream stands to sample, paths to hike, beaches to build sand castles on, projects, playdates, parties and it just doesn't get any better than that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your writing is awesome. I just love it. Thank you. Mary Anne