Monday, February 1, 2010

Old Buddy

Agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.
George Eliot

It's an unsettling coincidence that T. Bone is nearing the end of Old Yeller right now. You see, this is my Dad's best friend, Buddy. He is 14, which is up there for a lab, and in declining health. We are all surprised that he is still with us, and I'm fearing that my Dad may have to take measures into his own hands just as Travis did. I know how difficult that decision is and I'm writing with a heavy heart for him.

Today also happens to be Cosmic Charlie's birthday. Chuckie, Chaz, Charlie, Cosmo was the best dog ever. He was a graduation gift from my Mom and he would have been 19 this year. I hope that they're together now, and I pray that Buddy just falls asleep and joins them soon.

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